
Promoting road safety at the Exhibition of Justice

04 October 2017

During the last Exhibition of Justice in Rome, Safety21 sponsored a conference entitled “Ti voglio bene: La sicurezza stradale cresce con noi” (I love you: Road safety grows with us): a forum for young people and institutions, to promote a culture of legality on the road, reflect together on European and Italian accident figures, and focus on the objectives needed to reduce accidents.

Moderated by Rai Isoradio journalist Elena Carbonari, and introduced by Safety21 CEO Gianluca Longo, the conference focused on directly involving the students in the audience and saw the participation of the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Riccardo Nencini, the Undersecretary for Justice, Cosimo Ferri, Giuseppe Bisogno, Director of the State Police Traffic Unit and Antonello Salzano for the Italian Automobile Club.

The participants discussed technology, safety statistics, the institutions’ commitment to increasing road safety, and the topic of vehicular homicide, which included the moving testimony of Stefano Guarnieri, President of the Lorenzo Guarnieri Onlus Association and father of Lorenzo, a young road accident victim.

Check out the highlights of the forum.

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