What is the relationship between technology and safety? And what are the sustainability criteria for innovative Smart City projects that aim to protect the public and monitor the region? We discussed this during the conference ‘Smart city: sustainable innovation for road safety’, held on 23 June in the Sala degli Specchi of Sanremo Town Hall.
The meeting, organised by the Leonardo da Vinci Cultural Association with the participation of Safety21 and the international law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP., aimed at presenting the attending local authorities with new opportunities for implementing an integrated security project through project financing and public-private cooperation.
Technical and regulatory aspects of the subject, covered by Paolo Tommasini, Head of Business Development at Safety21, and by Francesca Isgrò, lawyer and partner at Orrick, were fully illustrated using a real project financing case study: the road safety project “Ti Voglio Bene” (I Love You), which Safety21 offers to Public Authorities to assist them in their task of balancing protecting their citizens safety with the resources available to them and which seeks to raise civic awareness of safety through a series of initiatives aimed at young people in particular.