Smart City Enabler: the new face of Safety21 starts with Milan

The dedicated IoT platform and the Microsoft Azure Cloud are the ingredients that Safety21 brings to the table to offer control, monitoring and road safety services in cities. A new ecosystem approach that starts with Milan

Protecting the area, caring for the environment, tackling offences such as waste dumping, particularly in lay-bys, and increasing road safety: these are the key goals of the “Metropolitan Milan Safety Project” which was announced in Milan at the beginning of December.

These ambitious goals can be achieved through the use of innovative video surveillance systems, smart applications, the Internet of Things and the Cloud, enabling intelligent analysis of controlled areas, new alert systems for pedestrian crossings and targeted traffic monitoring, accompanied by measures to reduce pressure in the most congested areas.

This complex project is now the pride and joy of Safety21, which has been awarded the contract for the next 11 years, together with Municipia, a company belonging to the Engineering Group.

“This is probably the most impressive project we have developed for our clients to date and marks a further step in the direction of smart cities, without relinquishing our core business – the outsourced management of traffic offences”, commented Gianluca Longo, Founder and CEO of Safety21.

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