People, our beating heart
Our Code of Ethics
Safety21 has adopted a Code of Conduct and, in accordance with the provisions of D.Lgs. 231/2001, an Ethical Code, which is an integral and substantial part of the Organizational Model, which summarizes the principles, the guidelines and basic requirements for behaviour which all those who, directly or indirectly, establish any relationship with the Group must apply in conducting business and managing activities.
Policy against corruption
Safety21 has always been engaged in a constant activity of monitoring tools and devices aimed at combating all forms of corruption, active and passive, direct and indirect involving, in addition to the staff of the Company, Also any entity carrying out activities on behalf of the same. To strengthen this commitment, Safety21 has adopted its own anti-corruption management system in accordance with UNI ISO 37001:2016 – Management System for the Prevention of Corruption.
Social Responsibility Policy
The SA8000:2014 standard has been identified as a reference model for the adoption of a business management system, aimed at ensuring the development and consolidation of the principles of Social Responsibility in the company.
Gender Equality
Safety21 has embarked on a path of cultural change within its organization in order to achieve more equitable gender equality.Safety21 believes in a culture based on respect and appreciation of diversity of gender, age, origin, social, religious, political ideas, psychophysical abilities, sexual identity and orientation.To reinforce this commitment, Safety21 has adopted its own management system, in accordance with the reference practice UNI/PDR125:2022 – Management System for Gender Equality.
Integrated Management System Policy Summaries
Health and Safety Policy
Management of alerts
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023, we ensure the receipt, management, analysis and processing of reports, even in anonymous form, received by Safety21.