Road safety

Collaborative road accident management platform






Plan drawing

Graphometric signature and advanced features
What is is a collaborative platform for the collection, processing, archiving and consultation of data; Fully Full Web, accessible from mobile devices, made in accordance with the technical standard UNI 11472.

How does it work?

Incidenti.Online is the result of the analysis and study of the reference standards: UNI 11472, Code of Criminal Procedure and Road Traffic Law, using a pool of legal technicians, computer and road accident experts in order to make the platform easy and intuitive to use, allowing, through guided procedures, to collect all the information necessary for the accident’s detection and check its adequacy, Management and generation of all the necessary acts and reports to complete the accident file, the integrated mapping module for risk mapping and the integrated statistical analysis module.These features make it a platform for monitoring the accident rate of the territory easy, intuitive and collaborative, compliant with UNI 11472 in order to optimize road safety.

What can you do?

Authentication and profiling of users, in order to preserve the integrity and security in the dissemination of data;Insertion of accident cards and compilation of related data provided for by the ISTAT card of a significant road accident, In addition to other data useful for the survey. The programme allows data on accidents with deaths and injuries to be stored, as well as on material damage alone;Input of the location of the accident by GPS or progressive kilometre coordinate or address and house number (where available) or by map point identification (georeferencing of accident data on WEB platform); Import and export of data relating to accidents according to the interchange format provided by the ISTAT card.

The import is also aimed at feeding the database with information from other applications used in the territory by some surveying entities, such as commercial or developed by administrations software. The export will allow the extraction of data in the single database in ISTAT format. It is possible to import/export, in a traceable format, also additional data compared to the ISTAT track, for further processing.

Preparation of forms and minutes useful to the local police, which can be called up by the detector and printed using a special function;

Possibility of attaching files to the accident cards (photographic surveys, plans, minutes and acts, …).

Possibility to draw, through a specific module directly the planimetric relief of the scene.


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