Safety21, aware of its role and responsibilities within the economic and social community, intends to be an excellent operator with regard to its social responsibility.

For this reason, it decided to acquire a new certification, the SA 8000. Adopting SA8000 certification means that the company considers the social impact of its business, in addition to the conditions under which employees, partners and suppliers operate.

There are several principles and values on which the commitment to Social Responsibility is based:

– enhancement of human capital, respect for rights and pursuit of workers’ well-being;

– health and safety in the workplace, professional growth and staff satisfaction;

– coherence between values, strategies and behaviours;

– promotion of the protection of human rights;

– transparency and dialogue with the Institutions;

– fairness, transparency and legality in relations with suppliers and with all interested parties.

To consult our Social Responsibility Policy, go to this link.

100,000 euros donated to 56 associations: Costruiamo il Futuro Award.

Saturday, October 16 at Mico took place the award ceremony of the fifth edition of the Costruiamo il Futuro Award for Milan and the Metropolitan City, a charity initiative in support of small sports associations and speakers, promoted by Costruiamo il Futuro Foundation.

A precious afternoon during which the president of Safety21, Roberto Campisi, rewarded the sports associations and speakers who, together with the children and their families, participated in the award ceremony.

Over 200 associations and speakers registered for the call through which these realities have been able to ask for a contribution for their activities, for their projects or to cover ordinary and extraordinary expenses.

A total of 56 associations have been rewarded with contributions from 1,000 to 5,000 euros that the Honorary Committee chaired by Professor Lorenzo Ornaghi has carefully selected. A record in a year of serious economic crisis, testifying that solidarity is born from the small realities of the territory. 

An initiative that Safety21 has been promoting and supporting for two years, as it has always believed in and supported projects that generate value for the community and for the territory.

Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana at Expo Dubai 2020

After a one-year postponement of the event due to the pandemic, Safety21 participates in Expo 2020, a Universal Exposition hosted by Dubai, United Arab Emirates, thanks to the invitation from Axis Communications.

On October 12th during the day dedicated to Smart Cities – Dependable technologies for a changing world Gianluca Longo, the CEO of Safety21, discussed about urban mobility, how to ensure road safety, both for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, how to protect the environment and the territory, presenting the Progetto Sicurezza Milano metropolitana, one of the largest integrated Smart City and Safety Road projects in Europe for the reduction of accidents to protect road users and to safeguard the environment.

Connecting minds, creating the future is the theme of Expo Dubai, which suggests how the solution to the problems of the planet can only mature through collaboration between different cultures, cooperation between nations and above all by connecting minds to each other, in a continuous brain storming to conquer increasingly important goals and with greater awareness.

Safety21 achieved another important goal.

Bregal Untemehmerkapital, the Italian-German investor,  has chosen Safety21 for its first investment in Italy, acquiring the majority stake, with the aim of rapid growth.

The transaction was done in partnership with Safety21’s founder Gianluca Longo and his management team, and aims to strengthen the company’s leadership position in Italy while supporting its international expansion plans.

Substantial growth is projected as part of the plan, which will be achieved in part through inorganic growth, with a view to expand Safety21’s range of innovative services and position the company competitively in the Smart City space.

Safety21 offers fully automated and technology-enabled services to more than 300 public entities, providing them with end-to-end traffic monitoring software solutions based on the proprietary IoT cloud platform TITAN.

We are proud that a large European private equity player has chosen Safety21 for its first investment in Italy. In these 10 years of work since inception, Safety21’s technology and business model have enjoyed a remarkable evolution and success in the market, and now thanks to BU we have a chance to expand abroad, replicating the Italian model. Today, road safety combined with the pressing need for Smart Mobility and the reduction of emissions is a fundamental development pillar for any community” commented Gianluca Longo, CEO and founder of Safety21.

Read the press release.

Il Sole 24 Ore Friday1 October 2021 – N. 269

Safer roads and more respect for the rules by citizens one year after the start of Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana.

The multi-year plan of actions developed by the Metropolitan City of Milan together with Safety21 and Municipia is one year old, during which it has been able to equip the territory with safer and monitored roads with the use of IoT technology, in fact from June 2020 to today the project has led to the installation of 96 devices on the provincial territory.

Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana is one of the largest integrated Smart City and Safety Road projects in Europe for the reduction of accidents to protect weak road users and to protect the territory and the environment.

A year later, the data provided by the Metropolitan Police highlight very positive aspects. The first of all concerns the conduct of users: 80% of citizens who have committed an infringement in the road sections covered by the interventions, today tend to respect the limits.

In terms of environmental protection, the abandonment of waste was countered by the numerous active video surveillance systems of the rest areas, which were also decisive for the production of evidence to support the investigations conducted by various police forces on other crimes.

Progetto Milano metropolitana, based on the innovative partnership tool, represents a virtuous example of collaboration between the Public Administration and High-level Technological Partners whose common intent is to guarantee the efficiency of public services aimed at the safety of citizens, the weakest users and the protection of the territory.

It is possible to consult all the initiatives of the Project on the dedicated information portal: a transparent channel aimed at citizens to increasingly involve citizens in understanding not only the project, but also the various aspects of road safety and protection of the territory:

Read the press release

Safety21 acquires Kapsch TrafficCom Italia: MotuS21 is born.

Safety21 S.p.A. acquires Kapsch TrafficCom Italia,the Italian branch of Kapsch TrafficCom AG, an Austrian company listed on the Vienna stock exchange, a globally recognized provider of technological solutions for mobility.

With this transaction, Safety21 further strengthens its series of acquisitions at the national and international level, intended to incorporate core links in the chain of services offered by the Group to the Public bodies in the Smart Mobility market.

Kapsch TrafficCom Italia has been a leader since 2008 in the manufacturing, sale and maintenance of IoT for traffic offense detection, with a particular focus on access control in Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) and this acquisition allows the extension of the range of cutting-edge IoT technological solutions and scalable and innovative outsourcing services, allowing Safety21 to serve over 300 public bodies, with an installed base of over 700 active and operational enforcement IoTs throughout Italy.

Safety21 was supported in the transaction by the advisor Itom Invest while the legal aspects were handled by Grimaldi for Kapsch and Orrick for the buyer. The banks involved, a pool made up of Banco BPM and MPS, were followed by Legance.

> Read the press release

Safety21 gets 3 stars in the Legality Rating

Safety21 has obtained the Legality Rating, acquiring 3 stars, the maximum score that a company can achieve and confirm its constant attention to transparency and reliability issues.

The legality rating is an innovative tool developed by the Italian Competition Authority in agreement with the Ministries of the Interior and Justice, which recognizes rewards companies that operate according to the principles of legality, transparency and social responsibility.

The company that owns the Kegal Rating is included in a “list of virtuous companies”, constantly updated on the website of the Competition and Market Authority, which highlights the level of Rating assigned, suspended or revoked and which will be easily consulted by its customers, suppliers and partners.

More resources for sports associations in 2021

On 7 June 2021, a press conference was held to present the fifth edition of the ‘Premio Costruiamo il Futuro Milano Citta Metropolitana’ (Building the Future Milan Metropolitan City Award), an initiative created to provide concrete support for sports associations’ efforts and projects in Milan and its province.

Safety21 is supporting the event for the second year, as it has always believed in and supported projects that generate value for the community, for sport and for the region.

Since the initiative was launched in 2003, over 600 clubs have been supported, €950,000 has been donated to projects and over 2,500 associations have been involved.

In 2020, the Foundation received 546 requests for grants. This number has almost doubled compared to previous years, showing that many organisations are facing great difficulties, also due to the Covid-19 emergency.

This is why the Foundation, with the support of private companies like Safety21, has set itself the challenging goal of supporting the activities of 50 sports associations – double the number of associations compared to the previous year – thus supporting the most significant education and training projects for young people and ensuring they have healthy meeting places that help prevent hardship and alienation.

Link to the Lombardy Region TRG service.

Webinar on the Simplification Decree: approval and standardisation of speed cameras

On 9 June, Sodi Academy, in partnership with Safety21, held its first online event, an exclusive professional training course for law enforcement officers.

Road Safety was the main focus of the webinar, with a particular emphasis on the innovations introduced by the Simplification Decree. The emphasis was on ensuring that standardisation and approval procedures for detection tools are identical.

The discussion topic was addressed by various speakers: Stefano Guarnieri from the Lorenzo Guarnieri Onlus Association who tackled road safety from a human and scientific point of view, starting from the concept of speed and the numerous accidents that occur every day; Enrico Vecchioni presented Sodi Scientifica and its products; Paolo Tommasini from Safety21 commented on the latest data on European road accidents and illustrated our Financing Project for the Metropolitan City of Milan; and Dr Luigi Altamura explained the changes introduced to Traffic Law by the Simplification Decree.

The webinar provided new insights into the issues that arise every day in the detection tools sector.

New and interesting webinars are in the pipeline, aimed at informing and simplifying the work of those involved in maintaining road safety.

Safety21 and Axis: partnering in the “Metropolitan Milan Safety Project”

As part of the “Metropolitan Milan Safety Project”, the long-term road safety and regional protection programme developed by Safety21 for the Metropolitan City of Milan, special attention is given to video surveillance systems as active tools for monitoring and operational support for law enforcement authorities in surveying the local area and tracking offences.

To this end, Safety21 relies on Axis technology, which provides mixed and integrated protection solutions featuring IP cameras with on-board analytics and 360° cameras, which not only have the ability to detect data and information across a wide range of formats, but can also detect environmental crimes or specific events, such as offences or accidents near pedestrian crossings. The cameras actively communicate with the Titan® ecosystem – a fully AgiD (Agency for Digital Italy)-certified solution – which manages all the region’s IoT control devices in the cloud.

Thanks to the partnership between Axis and Safety21, the Metropolitan City of Milan is now able to monitor the main roads that connect the municipalities in its area by CCTV, receiving information in real-time and thus simplifying the decision-making and response process.

Case history


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