Safety21 acquires GeFiL SpA to establish the first Italian leader in the Smart Road and Smart City space

Safety21, a leading Italian software provider in the Smart Road and Smart City space, controlled by investment fund BU (Bregal Unternehmerkapital) Funds (“BU”), announced today that it has completed the acquisition from Kauri Group of Ge.Fi.L S.p.A., an end-to-end provider of digital services for the Public Administration, mainly focused on Smart City, Smart Mobility and Collection services.

The acquisition of GeFiL SpA and its wholly owned subsidiaries MegAsp, Elfo, and Ne-t by Telerete Nordest by Safety21 (a portfolio company of BU) aims to further consolidate its leadership in the domestic market. The transaction creates the largest Italian Group operating in the Smart Mobilty and Smart City verticals.

Safety21 therefore increasingly becomes the operational partner of reference for the Public Administration, Local Authorities and Institutions, capable of providing innovative solutions and services to accelerate and simplify processes for the benefit of citizens.

Below the complete press release with the comments of Gianluca Longo, CEO and founder of Safety21, of the CEO and founder of Kauri Holding, Enrico Del Sole, and of Valentina Pippolo partner and country head Italy of BU Italy.

Read the press release

The first Safety21’s Sustainability Report

In recent days, Safety21 SpA has published its first “Sustainability Report”, thus demonstrating the commitment and results obtained in the field of environmental, social and governance sustainability for the year 2021.
For a young company like Safety21, founded just ten years ago, all this is a source of pride and prestige but, at the same time, underlines the desire to project itself towards a future in the name of sustainability, taking charge above all of the awareness and value that human relationships assume, respect for the environment and social commitment.
As it is known, the Company’s mission continues to be to support the effort that the Institutions daily address to the issue of road safety and sustainable mobility in order to safeguard the precious gift of human life, reduce the economic, social and environmental costs deriving from road accidents and vehicular traffic as well as to provide support to the Public Administration committed to the objective of administrative simplification.
At the base of Safety21’s work there is the action with meticulousness and transparency in full compliance with the rules, supporting the Public Administration and offering solutions aimed at road safety and smart Mobility through integrated “end-to-end” services.

Safety21 continues with its commitment to be appreciated by its customers, establishing itself more and more on the reference market and recording a growth and diffusion of its services throughout the national territory.
The growth, in addition to the technological offer developed and continuously adapted, is also thanks to the professionalism and attachment to the Company that the collaborators and
employees of Safety21 have put in place and that engage the top management daily in the
research and enhancement of the talents present internally and in the widespread attention to the growth and well-being of their human capital.
With this mission Safety21 develops its business and through the Sustainability Report documents in a concise and transparent way the will to act in full compliance with the 3 ESG factors, committing itself to all the subjects involved in the Company: customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers.
In conclusion, the issues on which Safety21 has focused particularly in its first Sustainability Report are those of environmental sustainability, transparency, all-round compliance, ethics and social responsibility, values considered the basis of the precious reputational and “intangible” heritage built over the years.
To read our Sustainability Report, click here.

Metropolitan City of Milan, an example of smart city

On 13 December 2021, at the Palazzo delle Stelline, the fourteenth edition of the North Direction event “MI + PNRR. La formula per il futuro”, dedicated to the implementation of PNRR resources for a better future for all citizens.
During the panel ” Ragionare come una metropoli ” we talked about mobility, understood as a tool to integrate the center and the periphery in a metropolitan perspective, how it has changed over the years following the needs of citizens and how it will change and improve over the years .

An important opportunity for Safety21 to present the Metropolitan Milan Safety Project, one of the largest Smart City and Smart Road projects in Europe developed by the Metropolitan City of Milan together with Safety21 and Municipia. A virtuous model of collaboration between Public and Private, which places road safety, the protection of citizens and the protection of the territory at the center

Moderating the speeches Alessia Liparoti of True News, and among the guests: Teresa Bellanova, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Arianna Censi, Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Milan, Michela Palestra, Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan City of Milan, Maria Cristina Pinoschi, Deputy Director General Metropolitan City of Milan, and Paolo Tommasini, Chief Revenues Officer of Safety21.

In the interview, Paolo Tommasini, Chief Revenues Officer, talk about the public-private partnership, an innovative tool that has given rise to a virtuous project such as the Milan Metropolitan Safety Project, whose key points are sustainable mobility and safety.
Mobility and safety guaranteed by a system of over 300 sensors and cameras to monitor the streets of the Metropolitan City of Milan, an example of how in a Smart City technology and data become a collaborative tool to ensure a wider sense of security on the territory.


Safety21, aware of its role and responsibilities within the economic and social community, intends to be characterized as an excellent operator in terms of its social responsibility.

For this reason it has decided to acquire a new certification, the SA 8000. Adopting the SA 8000 certification means that the company takes into account the social impact of its business, in addition to the conditions under which employees, partners and suppliers operate.

There are several principles and values ​​on which the commitment to Social Responsibility is based:

  • enhancement of human capital, respect for rights and pursuit of the well-being of workers;
  • health and safety in the workplace, professional growth and staff satisfaction;
  • coherence between values, strategies and behaviors;
    promotion of the protection of human rights;
  • transparency and dialogue with the institutions;
  • correctness, transparency and legality in relations with suppliers and with all interested parties.

Having a certification of this type proves Safety21’s commitment to Social Responsibility and to an ethical treatment of its employees in accordance with global standards.

To consult our Social Responsibility Policy, go to this link.

100,000 euros donated to 56 associations: Costruiamo il Futuro Award.

Saturday, October 16 at Mico took place the award ceremony of the fifth edition of the Costruiamo il Futuro Award for Milan and the Metropolitan City, a charity initiative in support of small sports associations and speakers, promoted by Costruiamo il Futuro Foundation.

A precious afternoon during which the president of Safety21, Roberto Campisi, rewarded the sports associations and speakers who, together with the children and their families, participated in the award ceremony.

Over 200 associations and speakers registered for the call through which these realities have been able to ask for a contribution for their activities, for their projects or to cover ordinary and extraordinary expenses.

A total of 56 associations have been rewarded with contributions from 1,000 to 5,000 euros that the Honorary Committee chaired by Professor Lorenzo Ornaghi has carefully selected. A record in a year of serious economic crisis, testifying that solidarity is born from the small realities of the territory. 

An initiative that Safety21 has been promoting and supporting for two years, as it has always believed in and supported projects that generate value for the community and for the territory.

Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana at Expo Dubai 2020

After a one-year postponement of the event due to the pandemic, Safety21 participates in Expo 2020, a Universal Exposition hosted by Dubai, United Arab Emirates, thanks to the invitation from Axis Communications.

On October 12th during the day dedicated to Smart Cities – Dependable technologies for a changing world Gianluca Longo, the CEO of Safety21, discussed about urban mobility, how to ensure road safety, both for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, how to protect the environment and the territory, presenting the Progetto Sicurezza Milano metropolitana, one of the largest integrated Smart City and Safety Road projects in Europe for the reduction of accidents to protect road users and to safeguard the environment.

Connecting minds, creating the future is the theme of Expo Dubai, which suggests how the solution to the problems of the planet can only mature through collaboration between different cultures, cooperation between nations and above all by connecting minds to each other, in a continuous brain storming to conquer increasingly important goals and with greater awareness.

Safety21 achieved another important goal.

Bregal Untemehmerkapital, the Italian-German investor,  has chosen Safety21 for its first investment in Italy, acquiring the majority stake, with the aim of rapid growth.

The transaction was done in partnership with Safety21’s founder Gianluca Longo and his management team, and aims to strengthen the company’s leadership position in Italy while supporting its international expansion plans.

Substantial growth is projected as part of the plan, which will be achieved in part through inorganic growth, with a view to expand Safety21’s range of innovative services and position the company competitively in the Smart City space.

Safety21 offers fully automated and technology-enabled services to more than 300 public entities, providing them with end-to-end traffic monitoring software solutions based on the proprietary IoT cloud platform TITAN.

We are proud that a large European private equity player has chosen Safety21 for its first investment in Italy. In these 10 years of work since inception, Safety21’s technology and business model have enjoyed a remarkable evolution and success in the market, and now thanks to BU we have a chance to expand abroad, replicating the Italian model. Today, road safety combined with the pressing need for Smart Mobility and the reduction of emissions is a fundamental development pillar for any community” commented Gianluca Longo, CEO and founder of Safety21.

Read the press release.

Il Sole 24 Ore Friday1 October 2021 – N. 269

Safer roads and more respect for the rules by citizens one year after the start of Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana.

The multi-year plan of actions developed by the Metropolitan City of Milan together with Safety21 and Municipia is one year old, during which it has been able to equip the territory with safer and monitored roads with the use of IoT technology, in fact from June 2020 to today the project has led to the installation of 96 devices on the provincial territory.

Progetto Sicurezza Milano Metropolitana is one of the largest integrated Smart City and Safety Road projects in Europe for the reduction of accidents to protect weak road users and to protect the territory and the environment.

A year later, the data provided by the Metropolitan Police highlight very positive aspects. The first of all concerns the conduct of users: 80% of citizens who have committed an infringement in the road sections covered by the interventions, today tend to respect the limits.

In terms of environmental protection, the abandonment of waste was countered by the numerous active video surveillance systems of the rest areas, which were also decisive for the production of evidence to support the investigations conducted by various police forces on other crimes.

Progetto Milano metropolitana, based on the innovative partnership tool, represents a virtuous example of collaboration between the Public Administration and High-level Technological Partners whose common intent is to guarantee the efficiency of public services aimed at the safety of citizens, the weakest users and the protection of the territory.

It is possible to consult all the initiatives of the Project on the dedicated information portal: a transparent channel aimed at citizens to increasingly involve citizens in understanding not only the project, but also the various aspects of road safety and protection of the territory:

Read the press release


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