Safety21: promoting a culture of road safety is a priority

Safety21‘s social commitment starts with the promotion of a road safety culture, a mission it shares with educators, authorities, and police forces. Through the “Ti Voglio Bene” (I Love You) project, developed in collaboration with Rome’s La Sapienza University, the company has built a special relationship with young people, towards whom it directs most of its education and awareness initiatives.

Because “Safety21 wants to make a major contribution to society, with young people and through young people”, conveying positive messages and making young people more aware of their own limits.

Reflecting on the value of the company’s ethical commitment is its promoter, Domenico Mazzilli, Safety21’s Chairman, who during his career served as National Director of the Traffic Police Service and conceived and promoted road safety and legality projects, such as “Il Pullman Azzurro” (The Blue Coach), not only in Italy but also exported abroad.

Safety21 adheres to the European Road Safety Charter

In line with its mission and social commitment, Safety21 has joined the European Road Safety Charter.

Created in 2004, the Charter, led by the European Commission, is the largest civil society platform on road safety. Among its goals, it aims to facilitate the acquisition and sharing of knowledge on road safety issues and to facilitate an effective dialogue for sharing road safety expertise and practices at every level of governance in the European Union.

More than 3,400 public and private bodies have committed themselves to the Charter by carrying out operations that have strengthened road safety culture throughout Europe and contributed to the creation of preventive measures and solutions.

Safety21, which has always been on the front line in promoting road safety and respect for traffic regulations, is also making its contribution by providing daily support to Public Authorities in improving safety standards in the area, investing in innovative technologies, such as Safe Pedestrian 2.0 and the educational project “TI Voglio Bene” (I Love You), an activity created with the specific aim of educating young people in the risks involved in driving and which has already reached out to secondary school pupils in several Italian cities.

Financial Times: Safety21 in the FT1000 ranking

Another confirmation for Safety21.

Already counted among the Champions of Growth in Italy and included in Inc’s European ranking, our company has entered the prestigious “FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies“, the Financial Times‘ annual ranking that selects the one thousand European companies with the greatest economic growth.

Between 2013 and 2016, the period considered in the British business daily’s study, Safety21 recorded growth of 198% and an average percentage growth rate (CAGR) of 43.9%. Elements that allowed us to enter the ranking in 778th place.

“We are proud to be ranked as one of the most promising technology companies in Europe by the Financial Times,” commented Safety21 CEO Gianluca Longo. “Dealing with road safety is a duty and a responsibility, but it is certainly not an easy mission. I share this achievement with all those who work with us. It is the product of an investment plan involving people, services and innovative technologies that, in a few short years, has turned us into a respected and competitive company, both nationally and internationally. It is also confirmation of the solidity of our business model, which enables us to offer measurable support in terms of short-term results to all stakeholders, public authorities, and police forces who are working in Italy and around the world to raise road safety standards”.

Inc. 2018: Safety21 is amongst the 5,000 fastest growing European companies

Safety21 is growing and Inc. Magazine has also noticed this, including our company in its annual ranking of the 5,000 fastest growing private companies in Europe.

The 2018 Inc. 5,000 Europe ranking is based on turnover growth over the previous three years. Safety21 is listed in 3,217 place with a 2016 turnover of €11.5 million and growth of 152.63%.

This result adds to those recently achieved by Safety21, already included amongst the 2018 Growth Champions, the list of the 300 Italian companies with the highest growth rate that is drawn up by the German Institute for Quality and Finance.

These are important milestones that underline the entrepreneurial success of our company. Founded in 2011, today we represent a group of market-leading companies, capable of meeting the highest technological and service standards for road safety throughout the country by means of advanced solutions.


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